Thank you for purchasing Mag!

Here's a quick guide of how to install Mag theme and start using it with no resistance. Note that you should have both Notion and Super accounts ready. Have Fun!

How to Install

1. Duplicate Super Proposal Template to your Notion Workspace:

Click Here

2. Create a Super site, using your new page as the Notion URL.

3. Paste this in Site Settings > Code > HTML head:

<!-- Serif Font - Remove it if you want to use Super font instead -->

@import url('<,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap>');

<!-- Theme CSS File -->


4. Paste this in Site Settings > Code > CSS to unlock customization configs.

:root {
			/* Corner radius for All Mag blocks */
     --mag-radius: 4px!important;

			/* Google Font Used for Copy */
     --mag-font: 'Lora', sans-serif!important;

			/* Your custom Background Color */

			/* Your custom Text Color */
     --mag-text-color: #dedede!important;

			/* Article Image Opacity (0 — 1 range) */
     --mag-opacity: 0.5!important;

			/* Article Image Saturation (0 — Fully saturated, 1 — Fully Grayscale) */
     --mag-saturation: 0.5!important;

5. Have Fun!

Feel free to ask any question at [email protected]. Let's be in touch!


See Template's CSS Code

You can use it to see how if works or store on your own hosting